National Treasury Employees Union
Chapter 128 represents
U.S. Customs and Border Protection employees
in the National Capital Region
We are here for you
When you decided to become a Federal Employee, you committed your time and effort to support the well-being and operation of this country. Without government, needs go unmet and day-to-day operations and civil order fail. You show up and work hard, day in and day out. Your long-term contributions are the backbone of what makes this nation great.
Your commitment and contributions shouldn’t be taken advantage of or go unnoticed, which is why we are here for you. Organizations work best when accountability is applied at every level, and when you have the right for your voice to be heard for a safe work environment and correct information on critical benefits and programs.
The NTEU Chapter 128 mission is to be a primary resource for navigating employee rights, benefits, and the contract while accurately representing its constituents in ongoing agreements, legislative issues, and personal grievances.
Department of Labor Standards of Conduct: Know your rights and your union’s responsibilities under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978.
Our community is better with you
NTEU Chapter 128 is a diverse community of Federal Employees that strive to work together in solidarity to achieve a work environment that fosters fairness, transparency, and well-being.
Being part of our community provides many benefits including:
- staying informed and knowledgeable about work-related topics that are important to you
- having immediate access to our representatives for questions and concerns
- attendance at events designed to receive your input and take action to influence legislation and contracts that directly affect you
- access to a membership library of resources on our website
Joining NTEU Chapter 128 is a great step towards making a difference not only for you, but for your Bargaining Unit colleagues of today and tomorrow. Let’s work together to continue to achieve balance and fairness in the workplace.